The ZAC Foundation and TIME FOR KIDS have partnered up to develop the Make a Splash with Water Safety! program.
What is The ZAC Foundation?
Karen and Brian Cohn cofounded The ZAC Foundation in 2008 in honor of their 6-year-old son, Zachary Archer Cohn, who died in 2007 when his arm was trapped in a pool drain.
The ZAC Foundation was established to prepare children and families for a lifetime of water safety. The organization works to strengthen pool-safety legislation and funds advocacy, education, and effective programming surrounding water safety. Zachary’s memory is the inspiration for the foundation’s mission and activities.
Know Your ABC and Ds
One of the missions of The ZAC Foundation is to spread the word about the importance of these four letters:
A is for adult supervision.
Children should be in the pool only if an adult is watching.
B is for barriers.
Fences and other barriers should keep a child from entering a pool alone.
C is for classes.
Water-safety and swim lessons provide children with important skills.
D is for drains.
Pool drains can trap swimmers; children should stay away from them. If a drain cover is loose or missing, evacuate the pool immediately and alert an adult.
For more information about the ABC and Ds of water safety, download the free resources below and
- Download the student/family Make a Splash with Water Safety! Guide.
- Download The ZAC Foundation water-safety activity sheets.
- Visit to access the full array of materials available.
- Visit to learn more about The Polar Bear Who Couldn’t, Wouldn’t Swim.
Answer the Poll-er Bear’s Question!
Zeke the polar bear has a question for you:
How do you stay safe when you play in water or go swimming?
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