Monday, May 2, 2016

Bison Could Become National Mammal

Bison Could Become National Mammal
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on April 26 naming the North American bison as the country’s national mammal. A wide range of groups, including conservation organizations, Native American tribes, and ranchers, have been working to win this designation for the animal. They say the bison represents the spirit of America and its people. "The American bison is an enduring symbol of strength, native American culture, and the boundless Western wildness," William Lacy Clay, a Missouri congressman, noted in a statement. The National Bison Legacy Act is expected to pass the Senate and be signed into law by President Barack Obama.

America has a complex history with bison. At one point, tens of millions of the animals roamed the country. But as the U.S. expanded westward around the turn of the 20th century, bison were hunted and killed in such large numbers that the species was close to extinction. Conservation efforts have begun to restore bison populations. Today, the U.S. is home to about 500,000 bison. It is the largest mammal in North America.

The bison is a mammal. Can you name any other mammals?

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